Monday, February 7, 2011

C.C. Back In Business.

Hello my lovely, lovely Sprinkles!!! I've missed you so much! Sorry the blog has been out of date for the past month or so. If you did not hear I was in a car accident over the holidays but I am at 100% now. Those of you that did know thank you so much for your prayers and best wishes. It really means a lot that you care. On to other matters now. Flithy Victorians in the Dark is nearing it's completion. A year or so ago on a normal Halloween night, May-May and I decided to form a band. We learned tricks for this trade. May learned how to be a fire-eater/breather/performer and learned some circus tricks in the process. I learned burlesque dancing, the art of tarot, and, hopefully soon, sleight of hand. The idea was never to become famous. The dream was to be able to perform and have our ideas heard through song. To finally hit the stage and show off all of our hard work, damn to any didn't care for us. We began writing FVITD during this time. May had spent hours upon hours mixing and editing the songs. I put forth my effort as well and towards the tail end we collaborated on what we both believe to be the best we've ever done. The long nights of writing, recording, and editing have been long and tedious, but it is all about to pay off.

Two years ago May and I went to the Emilie Autumn concert that was at the Granda Theatre in Dallas. We made a demo CD for Emilie and the Crumpets because they were part of the inspiration that is C.C. The CD was horrible, Sprinkles, no need to sugar-coat it. But after that moment we began to work harder than ever. We had been reenergized and we took the project by storm.  Practicing harder on our skills, working harder on songs, and even making an EP for you lovely Sprinkles, but more on that in a minute. And it just so happens, if you've been viewing our Youtube channel if you not you should, May and I are going to see Emilie and the Crumpets again. So we've been working non-stop to finish FVITD before the date. We want to show our progress to them. Emilie told the other Plague Rats to "be ready for Casanova Cupcake; they're the next big thing" and we're going to prove her right. This is where you come in Sprinkles. We need your help in spreading the word of Casanova Cupcake. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your neighbors, tell your classmates, and don't neglect your pets, we are equal opprotunity here at C.C. As soon as we give Emilie our first offical CD then it'll be up for grabs for you, Sprinkles. How awesome is that? In it you'll hear songs about masks that people wear, jaded lovers and throwing knives, twisted introductions, the plague, the machines that people can be, the nurse of the Bastille Asylum, and so much more. We've put our blood, sweat, tears, and even parts of our own souls into this album. If you're interested than email us or leave a comment for us on our Facebook page here Also make sure to check up on our vlog posts here on Youtube

Now the EP aka Sugar(cubes) and Syringes. This is filled with wonderful tea time poems for the Victorian on the go. Written by May-May Macabre and Jay Scarlet for your listening pleasure. Listen to it during tea time, play it before bed, or if you just want to listen to some fine poetry. The EP is going through the final editing process and will be out soon. If you want a copy just let us know and we'd be more than happy to give you one.

If any of you Sprinkles are free March 8th and you're in the Dallas area why not join us? We'll be at the Prophet Bar reuniting with Emilie Autumn. Tickets are still up if you want to come see. We'd love to see you there and also to enjoy an amazing show with you. Consider it, Sprinkles.

The next Asylum Letter should be posted later this week. I've missed you, Sprinkles, and I'm so looking forward to posting to you again.

Until next time,

Icing kisses,


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