So this started off with good intentions and big ideas. There were going to be stories of adventures and pictures of said adventures and tons of ideas and magic and all kinds of stuff. But that didn't happen. I wanted to make a kind of diary or journal for both May and I to share and originally that's how it was going to go down. May would tell his side I would tell mine. We would speak about our ideas, our dreams, and where we wanted to take the band and the show. But May has always been better about doing videos and vlogs. That's his niche, his medium to work with, and he excels at it. So then it was just up to me. But it's really hard to write sometimes. I felt under pressure because we weren't going on adventures every other day, I didn't have inspirational ideas to tell anyone about, and life just kept getting in the way. Just keep at it, we both said, it'll be fine. But then slowly I felt like I was just posting about things from my perspective and not from May's. I wanted this to be an equal thing but its kind of hard to do that when it's not an equal thing. And I'm pretty sure that shows in the writing. I would see May do his videos and I would get so inspired but shortly afterwards it would peter out and then it would be two or three weeks later with no activity. So we decided that the blog is over. We'll still keep it up because it does have some good stuff and why delete it when it took a lot of work to get up and running? We'll still post on the Facebook page and the channel but for our own personal stuff we're going to be on something different. Well, I am at least. You can still find May-May on his personal channel and you'll be able to find me on my own blog on Tumblr. Thank you to those who read this and if you can keep following us still. We'll keep you update on all official C.C. business and we look forward to seeing you all.
Love, and icing kisses,
Jay Scarlet