Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tell Me About It Tuesday: Tattoos

I have always wanted to get a tattoo.

When I was growing up my parents told me that there were certain things that they did not want us kids doing. One of them was getting a tattoo. My mom actually threaten to cut the skin, where the ink, was off with a rusty butcher knife. And that was enough to give any kid nightmares for a few years. But two of my sisters, one of my brother-in-laws, and my sister-in-law all have at least one.

There is a tattoo convention that comes to town once a year and I told my boyfriend about it. He has always wanted to get covered up in tats but hasn't because sometimes they can be really expensive. But this convention offers HUGE discounts and he really wants to get started by getting just one. I do too but I don't know which to start with.  I do know that I want a tattoo to represent the different sides of me. So I have some pictures (not the ones I'm going to use, just to give you an idea) of what I might want.

1) Bite Marks-This one actually has a funny story.  So when me and my boyfriend first started getting intimate I would leave all this hickeys and bruises on his neck and body mostly because he has very poor circulation and it doesn't take much to leave a mark on him. Anyway, for the longest time I wanted a hickey, or a mark of passion if you will. And Nate's a biter so we were a little discouraged when every mark he left disappeared after an hour, because I have very good circulation. Well one day he bit really hard on my chest and almost drew blood. There on my chest was a huge bite mark and I was so happy. It took days to heal but I didn't care. So I would want to have a bite mark on my chest where my heart is. To show that someone has my heart. That it is his and no one else's.

2) Fairies-Yesterday Nathan said that I was a fairy in a past life. I believe that maybe I some fairy relatives in my family because of how I feel connected to people, nature, magic, and things of that nature. So what I want is a vine going up my leg, maybe up to my knee, and to have the seven colors of the rainbow as flowers on the vine. And to have a fairy by each rose either smelling them or helping them grow. This I feel shows my pride as a gay individual and shows my love for my fairy side.

3) Angel-I've always wanted an angel on my shoulder. I love angels and I do believe in them. This way I always have someone watching out for me and to help me make the right choices in life. Also Nathan's nickname for me has always been Angel so there is that significance too.

4) The Libra Symbol- I am a Libra, Oct 3, and I have pride in my symbol. I would want this on one of my wrists.

5) Phoenix-The phoenix is a beautiful creature and my favorite one as well. A symbol of fire and rebirth. I wanted a phoenix with a broken chain around its ankle when i was younger to symbolize me breaking away from my old life and being reborn as someone else and taking flight. Now I don't know where I would get this. Maybe on my other shoulder? I don't know.

But those were just a few ideas. This is what I love about tattoos. They can mean anything and they can tell such amazing stories. So tell me in the comments what tattoos do you want or have? And what are the stories behind them?

Love and Icing Kisses,

