Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Door: An Evening With Emilie Autumn

Hello sprinkles! How have you been? Sorry this update is a few days late. My computer has caught yet another virus so I'm going to start saving up money for a new one. That'll probably help with future blog posts : ). So last Tuesday May and I were able to see Emilie Autumn again. It was definitely a night to remember.

We start off at our roadie's apartment to get ready for the day. This included breakfast, showers, shaving, pulling up our stockings, make up, early morning hijinks, and hair. There was a case of May's sleep sowing where he finished his corset in his sleep. Wonderful talent to have, agreed?
Here we have us doing our famous Michelle Horse Smile.

Michelle was a girl from a short lived teen reality series called Queen Bees. It was about girls who were bitches and were sent for rehabilitation. Michelle had a horse smile (as seen above) and she was one of our favorites so we always take at least one picture with her smile every chance we get.

May is the Make Up Magician here at C.C.  He never disappoints me or anyone else. He powdered our faces and added bush, lipstick, and liquid eyeliner to the appropriate places and we turned out quite sexy if I do say so myself.

See? We do look sexy. May looks more like a clown and I think I am trying to imitate Natalie Portman.
Because you know, I'm crazy and I'm trying to be perfect. Just the minus the drugs and the lesbian relationship with Mila Kunis. I like my guys more. What can I say? So after we were all dolled up our tiny voodoo dolls waved good-bye to us as we headed to Dallas. There were minor complications though. Most of the consisted of our roadie swearing after missing the exit to the Prophet Bar and every turn after that. It was still an adventure and we more than happy to be on it. We finally arrived at our destination and  May and Garrett, the roadie, went to grab some food at the nearby 7-11. I was all alone at the entrance and I was confused to why there wasn't a long line at the door. Suddenly an army of Plague Rats turned the corner and congregated by me. There was a slight mix up as to where the entrance would be so the PRs were on the other side of the building. After a few minutes May and I went inside for the VIP meet and greet. There we sampled Basil's Brew, a concoction made up by Emilie. This is coming from a former anti-tea activist, THIS WAS THE  MOST AMAZING FUCKING TEA I HAD EVER TASTED. Caps too much? I'll keep them. So Emilie proceed to play her violin for us. She danced around us all and it was like we had come home from a long journey. And here we were, in another's home and we were being treated like family. Tea warmed our bodies and lovely music filled our ears and our souls. When the music was over we went to see Emilie. The first words out of her mouth was "how the fuck have you two been? I missed you!" And we were hugged. She asked tons of questions about our music and if we had progressed. We told her that we had and we gave her our first two cuts of Filthy Victorians in the Dark and Sugar(cubes) and Syringes and she was speechless.

She told us of our first demo and how much she liked it and that she couldn't wait to listen to it on the bus. She took a quick picture with us and gave each of us another hug and said to us the words that every student wants to hear from their mentor.

"I'm so proud of you and I love you both"

This pretty much made our night but the good times were still rolling and we weren't going to miss any of them. So as you know, Aprella is busy doing acting right now so she was unable to be at the concert. Emilie, Maggot, Veronica, and Contessa did a good job in Aprella's absence but you could tell she was missed. The night was amazing to say the least. We had tea spat on us, cupcakes thrown at us, and innocent girls corrupted for sick, sick pleasure on stage. There was fire, glitter, electric violin, aerial silk, burlesque dancing, stilt walking, and rock and roll. Still the feeling of family never left us. In fact it grew. We were all relatives at a reunion and we didn't want to leave. We wanted to be with our brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, estranged cousins that only appear when there is alcohol...erm..."tea". All the weird freaks in the surrounding area were at home at the Asylum. We shared happy memories together that night and we can only hope for more from future concerts and of course with you, Sprinkles. This, sadly, was the end of the Opheliac part of the tour. Emilie's new album F.L.A.G. aka Fight Like A Girl will be released at the end of the tour and will replace Opheliac.  Speaking of plug-ins for all of those who would like their free copy of Sugar(cubes) and Syringes please leave a message on our Facebook page. The deadline is March 25th so if you want one better hurry.
If we were females this is who C.C. would be.

Emilie was completely in her element as she played

You'd never fuck with Maggot. She's a pirate, she dances with fire, and she has an axe.

Veronica trying to corrupt us. Like that's at all possible :)

The Blessed Cannibal Contessa in all her wonder.

And is the winner of the Dallas, Texas Rat Game:
Our friend Kirstie! We practically threw that girl up there and she was enjoyably corrupted before all of us.

And here we are with the Front Row Asylum Crew or F.R.A.C. We had fun posing with our Sprinkles/Plague Rats/Friends.

Afterwards we headed home and it was a long drive but thanks to Whataburger, and it's late night hours, we did not go hungry. It was a nice family reunion and we had a blast. Emilie already told us, via Maggot, that the CD was great and they enjoyed our cover of Manatee Retard. Like I said it was a night to remember and if you missed it my heart goes out to you. You were missed.

Asylum Letters will start back up ASAP, Sprinkles. I hope you're looking forward to it.

Icing kisses and love,

